Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Zindagi Live in Mumbai
if you ask me wats happenin in my life.. my answer is 'IDK' - I Dont know.... i wish to buy one t-shirt since last sunday.. and m still not able to get out of office till all the shops on way get closed.. get an idea of life m leading these days.. he he.. its Office and my majority of time in mumbai is spent there..but yea.. its been a whole lot of learning and experience on proffessional level which has come my way.. thanks to this hard efforts being put in...lots of things in mind but cannot be shared coz it then violates my office policies :P
Coming onto personal front.. what to say... a single soul.. with some set of close friends keeping all updates from their respective places about my life and it feels good when you have some one calling you and keeping up to date with your life. In mumbai, i haven't met anyone in specific although lot of friends are here.. but very cold reactions from majority of them was a big turn off....This is LIFE... amazing things people around you teach you... i call many of them as my friends and they remain to be part of some of my memories... no expectations anymore and this has definitely help me not-to-think about anything weird or unwanted..its either good times or no times.. no bad times in between..
Yes... not to forget.. i saw 'Rab ne bana di jodi' on saturday review from my side but quick thoughts on it...first it reminded me of Amritsar, Golden Temple and my home...some great shots and typical life style of Punjab shown in movie.. +1 ; Shahrukh Khan acted nicely but hez gone old now.. shud stop romancing new heroines.. shud better start doing work which Amitabh Bachan does these days.. -1 ; Anoushka Shankar looks pretty but shez not a heart-throb or hawtt or amazingly beautiful... definitely a next-door-neighbour girl in our punjab +1 +1 ; Nice Clothes worn by her both indian and western +1 ; Weak Pace of story -1 ; Good Music -1 ;Hypothetical and Dreamy Sequence.. forces you to believe the story; One song with all SRKs heroines was came in out of nowhere.. and song was nothing but first line of many old numbers.. horrible thot whu so ever thot that.. -1 ; stress buster and a good time pass. one time watch .. = 2.5 stars out of 5..
abhi ke liye itna hi..
Hum hain raaahi pyar ke... Phir Milenge .... Chalte Chalte.. ;)
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Last Few Days
i know i haven't come in these streets for long. i wanted to come here so many times but times mismatched with the availability and as usual its blocked in my office so cant access it anywhere but once in bluemoon when i get the chance to use someone's laptop at home :ps..
ok back to my last few days...
- My last few days have been in Mumbai
- My last few days have been quite interesting
- My last few days have given me some great memories to keep for times ahead
- My last few days have given me so much new learnings at proffessional level
- My last few days have been made me little more thoughtful about life and made me a slightly more intelligent :p
- My last few days have been me living alone and enjoying life..
- my last few days have been outta online life
These were how my last few days were...
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Should I?
we were having great times...
and then, al of a sudden
without a reason
she went and never came back...
i was sad..but she dint come..
i kept looking for her.. but she din't come
and now after so long
She comes to my street
and she still remembers my name.. and my smile :)
she remembers my birthday and recalls the old times..
but should i be friends again..!!
should i?
P.S - Don't be so emotional :p ...i know i am not good in writing :) !!
Whatever..Anything.. You Decide
Men: What to have for dinner?
Women: Whatever..
Men: Why not we have steamboat?
Women: Don't want, eat steamboat later got pimples in my face
Men: Alright, why not we have Si Chuan cuisine
Women: Yesterday ate Si Chuan, today eat again?
Men: Hmm..... I suggest we have seafood
Women: Seafood no good, later I got diarrhea
Men: Then what you suggest?
Women : Whatever..
Case 2- Anything
Men: So what should we do now?
Women: Anything
Men: How about watching movie? Long time we didn't watch movie
Women: Watching movie no good, waste time only
Men: How about we play bowling, do some exercises?
Women: Exercise in such hot day? You not feel tire meh?
Men: Then find a café and have drink
Women: Drink coffee will affect my sleep
Men: Then what you suggest?
Women: Anything
Most Dangerous- you Decide
Men: Then we just go home
Women: You decide
Men: Let take bus, I will accompany you
Women: Bus is dirty and crowded. Don't want
Men: Ok we will take Taxi
Women: Not worth it... for such a short distance
Men: Alright, then we walk. Take a slow walk
Women: What to walk with empty stomach woh?
Men: Then what you suggest?
Women: You decide
Men: Let's have dinner first
Women: Whatever...
Men: Eat what?
Women: Anything
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Four Different States
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Looking for a Friend?
Har milan vele puchda e;
tera sajna yaar parvaar kinna?
saak sambandhi ne das tere hor kinne?
te aggeo ohna da karobaar kina?
nagd hai kina te samaan kina?
yari ohde naal paao jera har wele puche
ve sajna tera tere guru naal hai pyaar kina?
I will try to get back on this post to explain what it says !!
Friday, September 05, 2008
Online Friendships
should be taken care of, to make the bonds strong. A mixed experience in online friendship has pushed me to write on little things you should be careful of and certain disciplines which you need to take care while things are shaping up.
Before going on to things which one should do, let’s talk about something one should avoid doing : [The DO NOT DO things]
1. Do not email your photographs in the first few chats/exchange of messages only. Danger of them getting misused is more than actual expectations. I have pics on my social networking site but I don’t play ‘Lets share the pics’ game while talking to anyone who I don’t know in person.
2. Do not ever commit to anything online. It’s not a game being played . Don’t make promises of going for a holiday, marriage and all that stuff even if you are sure that the other person is your only one. Meet before you say anything.
3. Don’t be a starter always. Give other person the chance to reciprocate. Online friendship is one thing which needs equal communication to flow from both ends else the age of friendship doesn’t last long.
4. Don’t share any personal details until the trust factor is established among you both. It takes time and let the time pass to start believing in the friendship.
Little time for looking at things you should do while you are having online friends [the DO list]:
1.Be completely honest. If you are looking for honesty from other side, the same holds true for him/her as well. It doesn’t means to share things in and out but maintain a level of disclosing your life and let that portion is true share. Sometimes online friendship go long so in that case, sharing an honest part always helps.
2.Never ever share your passwords/ bank account details or credit card details just because you have started trusting the other person.
3.Always be clear of your expectations. You might just be looking for a normal friendship but the other side might be eyeing for a long term relationship so make sure both of you have clarity of thoughts on your expectations from each other as friends.
4.Confidence is the key. Your shy nature might be the reason of target for any person to fool you around. Be confident while you talk. Since you are not meeting in person its always better to take some time and then reply.
Are you meeting him/her?
Once the level of comfort develops, both would wish to meet and share thoughts offline. No doubt it’s a great way to move from world of online friends to real but be careful before meeting.
1.Make sure before meeting , you have been in conversation for some times. And its always great to talk over phone for some conversations before actually moving to meeting in real. The conversation over the phone would create the level of easiness when you meet for first time.
2.Try not to go alone, for first one-two meets. You might have a common friend or just a trusted friend who can go along with you and you can make him/her part of meeting and not just the point of security for you. There is nothing embarrassing about this.
3.Your first few meeting places should be public places like Coffee Bars, Restaurants, Market places or any malls. Never have your first meetings at secluded place for it may backfire and put you in questionable situation.
4.Stay Connected : Its good to have phone on silent mode but never put it off coz its disturbing your meeting. You make sure you are connected to the world while you are meeting.
5.Never think you are too smart or never show over excitement to meet. This might give a wrong impression on the other side.
I suppose this is more than required list of do’s and don’t to maintain long lasting online friendships.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
a musical Interview of myself
The Rules:
1. Put Your iTunes/ music player on Shuffle [ I have my Windows Media Player Ready]2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer. [ I will move to next question only after the song finishes.. ]
3. YOU MUST WRITE THAT SONG DOWN NO MATTER WHAT!!! After you've answered all of the questions, tag other people and then let them know that they have been tagged. [ No tags as of now bt yh wil try to see which song comes up]
Disclaimer : Most of songs in playlist are Hindi and very few punjabi and english numbers, so more bollywood tadka in it.
So I Start :
- Love me for a Reason - Boyzone (I say its not OK
- Mai Ho Gya Sharabi : Punjabi MC [ Jeri Nachdi Gidhe wich ,Dil Ode ute aya.. zara os nu ]
- Maula mere maula : Anwar [ Aankhein teri Kitni Haseen :D ]
- Khuda Jaane - Bachna Ae Haseeno (Ha ha..)
- In Dino –Life in a Metro ( Tu Khwaab Saja…… Tu Jee Le Zara…Hai Tujhe Bhi Ijazat.. Kar le tu bhi Mohabbat.. whuz listening???)
-Kabhi Kabhi Aditi - Jaane tu ya Jaane Na (?????)
-Teri Ore – Singh is Kinng :D (Kheeche Mujhe Koi Dor Teri Ore…No Doubt I am back home every fortnight…)
- Leja Leja - Ustad Sultan Khan (Lai ja Lai ja mehki raat mein chura ke sare rang lai ja.. is it what I think… interesting !! )
WHAT IS 2+2?
- Hiriye - Shael (Now I dnt expect any song to answer this question so enjoyin the number..)
-Kite Kalli Beh Ke Sochi Ni - Manmohan Waris (LMAO… no comments..)
- Bol Na Halke Halke – Jhoom Barabar Jhoom (Ahaa Ahaa Ahaa)
-Main Jahaan Rahoon – Namastey London [ I need to comment on it, NO ]
- Tu Ashiqi Hai – Jhankaar Beats (it says I am dedicated to one person when I grow up… tu khushi hai aasra bhi hai..teri chahat zindagi hai.. tu mohabbat tu ashiqi hai.. :D)
- Move Your Body – Johnny Gaddar (Doob ja mere pyaar mein.. :D)
-Jaaneman – Aryan (Mismatch ho gya is baar)
-Mast Kalandar - Hey Babby [ :D waise I would dance on ‘Munda apne viah te nachda fire’]
-Hey Babby – Hey Babby (Jee lene de is pal ko.. kal ki sochenge kal ko :D)
- Aaoge Jab Tum Yaad – Jab We Met (Thinking about her…aaoge jab tum yaad..aangna phoool khilenge…!!)
-Rang De Basanti - RDB (Biggest secret is the energy and passion like one in RDB.. m jst somehow matching the song with question :p)
- Chandni Raatein - Distant Voices (Yh.. Friends are like Chandni Raatein.. Full Moon Nights u know..!! )
- Doorie – Atif Aslam (Wicked Track…!! And I am not posting this as my title..)
- Chak De India – Chak de India [Kuch Kariye…kuch kariye.. nas nas meri khaule…lol..]
Okayz.. so I am done with this tag now…and yh.. was fun.. try doing sometime with different set of questions and enjoy with different versions of your life in MUZIKAL way..!!
First Week of 24th Chapter in Office
As soon as I booted mah crashed and WOW !! That was it … end of my TO DO things on Monday.All I could do was raise a ticket and then just wait for our support team to get me a new system and get back to work.Loads of work was assigned to me, Nothing could be done except putting it on hold.
Tuesday, System still not recovered and me still trying hard to sort out things. Finally in evening, I was able to get a system up and running.Full day again kinda wasted professionally.
Wednesday, Two days work and new work and loads of follow up jobs gave me a fair impression that I have no time for any breaks and just work work and work. Starting at 10, I somehow managed to finish off things by 6 in evening and thought to leave but due to an event planned for next day so decided to stay back and move at 8 pm. It was a quiz , so co-ordinating with my club mates and preparing a good quiz database was task to finish before leaving for home.
Thursday, Series of events continued and I tried to finish my job assignments before 2 pm. At 2 PM , we had prelims of quiz which went on till three and believe me, the teams were more enthu than we had anticipate. Questions were good and so was the response.Finally we had 5 teams to sit in final round. 3Rounds and close to 22 questions to each team was tough ask but Yours truly was the quiz master and tried to do his bit and with response and feedback believes he did fairly well J . A Completely new experience being quiz master , learned so many things while doing the job..!! Event finished at 5.30 and I was back to my seat when the outlook flashed a mail of White paper Contest and there were two days left for the last date of participation. A Wish to participate made me sit back again till 8 and prepare the document.
Friday: Thank God it’s a Friday. Morning had a meeting for our social responsibility club, finished my routine work and there was call for party. Successful Event was the reason and we in organising team were all game. Pizza Hut and 5 Guyz..we ordered everything we possibly could. A heavy meal followed by chocolate sundae from Baskin Robbins was a more than my expectations. Oh Yes!! Its last day of submission and I am still left with more than half document to finish.Type Type Type and format and finally I managed to finish and submit the white paper by 8.13 PM and I left office at 8.20 Pm that day.
Saturday, I went to IIT to hang out with friends and eventually finished with watching 6 movies in a span of 24 hours..singh is king.. bachna ae haseeno..god tusi great ho.. ugly pagli..maan gye mughal e azam and mumbai meri jaan at one go…saw a macbook for myself bt saved myself from getting screwed thanks to little smartness i showed while looking at lappy..a different story and some other times.went to Mezbaan and Priya's as well..phew..
It took me another week to move the past from paper to e-version and in this week we had another successful event in our company which again yours truly hosted and had loads fun doing the same.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
A Weekend with Cousins
This weekend has been a treat...Shopping..Delhi Darshan and meeting cousins after so long. Perfect ingredients to fill all spaces in my weekend schedule. I met three cousins all married and met them all after long times...Two Brothers and a sister with their families are all now lot more mature and understand the life the better way!!
Cousin 1:
Friday evening, right from office went to my first destination..near AIIMS.. Since bro is an ortho doc lives nearby..Bro,Bhabi and Shobit[his 7 month old son] were waiting for me since I told them that i would be there around 7 but thanks to Delhi Traffic and lovely MG Road under Metro Construction..reached there late by an hour.In Dinner, Dal Makhani and Aloo Gobhi were completely attacked and complete justice was done to the wonderful food prepared by Bhabi..Small and single family..they in real terms were depicting life of newly wed couples who are in process of planning for life and making some bold decisions on the way. Friday night we all one by one tried to make shobhit sleep and guess what...All Failed :p... a complete power house.. wonder how kids have so much of energy.. He made us all completely tired and we were feeling sleepy... but finally the mother won and shobhit slept at 1.30 for 3-4 hour sleep but we all dozed off..Saturday planz were to see jaane tu once again ;) but two reasons , one my bro was waiting for his interview results and second the lovely weather tempted us to move for some shopping and India Gate late night...Plans did turn into reality and 7 Pm we went to South Ex to roam n shop..I bought new shoes..Nike..and i dint tell my mother about the actual price :D
Had some snacks @ Bengal Sweet Shop and McD before going to India Gate..Its truly amazing place and one of places where one can see all kinda life.. Poor Rich Happy Sad Excited Depressed all kinda people are there..Mausam bada beimaan tha... so full enjoyment there. Reached back home at around 1..and then sote sote 2.30 baj gye fir se.. Thanks to Shobhit once again...but this time.. i achieved this feat to make a child go into his dreamworld... i made him sleep on my lap and that was awesome feel.. :P
Did i mention we had simply delicious.. awesome..tastiest Pasta i ever had..Bhabi made Pasta in white sauce and Man !! it was tooooo gooood...
Cousin 2 :
Come Sunday and its one of the days one never wishes to get up early morning..and history continued this sunday as well ;) as the eyes opened wonderful Rains outside were making whole Delhi feel Happy and the plans to move to Destination 2 were getting delayed..!! Finally rain stopped at 1.30 and bro dropped me at Dhaula Kuan.. took a cab and reached Gurgaon in mere 23 minutes and 10 bucks.. Not a bad deal on time and money :)
20 minutes of walk to my cousin's place..and what a wonderful 250 minutes of Meet-up we had..complete delight to catch up after long and amazing hospitality was cherry on the cake :) She is married for 18 years now and have two wonderful kids..who again are Champs..! I am so proud of my family..before meeting her, i never knew her as a person..she was just my cousin and thatz it..but after a lot of chit chat and exchange of thoughts..i guess i need to seriously think on some points she expressed about life..for a first impression it looks to be a philosophical session.. but if you start relating yourself .. then you feel you found a right person to converse with.. One who has seen life in Highs and Lows ,Ups and Downs and Today she makes us all proud..!! :)
And family genes..look at it..her daughter/ my niece is a wonderful dancer..closest word for her dance can be PROFFESSIONAL even though shez just into her 10th now.add to it the never below 90 % marks...i guess its all in the DNA of our have high standards to match..and every new member in family crosses it and sets a new target to achieve...!!
If I can quote a quite true yet looking philosophical quote
" To be complete in life, you need to have 3 satisfactions : Satisfaction in SOCIAL, PROFFESSIONAL and SPIRITUAL Life " by D.A
How True !! Yet i feel for an individual its a long journey to finish..!! But yeah..wil keep checking once in while on all the three fronts..!
Did i mention the yum yum Paav Bhaaji i ate.. and as i took another paav from plate.. had to put it back Thanks to Sis who stopped me from eating.. coz something else was coming my way.. and only my way ;) he he..!! Wonderful kebabs and Wonderful Talks.. a great combination at dining table :)
Then we went to Metropolitan..FYI its a mall in Gurgaon to get some music CDs..did the shopping and went to their shop for sometime before going to Barista for a coffee.. and there a wonderful question came up in my mind which i want to ask you...! Why do galz order only Hot Coffee...??? I have some different answers on it.. but still wats ur say!!
Cousin 3 :
Came back,had a chit chat and finally moved to Destination number another cousin who came to pick me from some pre-decided place. I gave him company over his beer with my Nimbu Paani :P and it was on da rox ..Itna nasha Kingfisher se nai aya jitna Lime water ne de diya..wonderful Dinner prepared by Bhabi and we all enjoyed it followed by wonderful session of Jokes..big time PJs..great sense of humor sometimes..all thanks to Kingfisher ;) till the clock struck 12..Next day is Monday and we three all working professionals had no choice but to take some rest and get ready for week ahead....and hence The End of a wonderful weekend.
and as i write these lines i get wonderful news: My Cousin Bro [ Cousin 1] cleared his interview and would be Senior Resident Doctor coming month.. Congratulations to him.. isko bolte hain Jhakkas news..!!
P.S –I am happy these days..and wondering my life is still good, infact better even after cutting my phone calls and sms's ……I analyzed my call history and noticed near to 80 percent decrease in number of calls and almost 50-60 percent less talking time on phone in last few dayz…
** Emotions while saying this :
If you are girl… I am in no mood to explain on this.. and if you are a guy.. dude..!! phone ka bill control ho raha hai ;) **
Monday, July 21, 2008
Randomness in Thoughts
I dint want to write this but then i feel, why not...Sukhdeep for some is one person they can always approach when they need some help and can consider him as person who is a friend.i feel people need to know that person on the other side is human too and carry the same emotions that they carry. So if they feel they should be treated well so do I think.
Recent days…so many small small incidents took place which took me to emotional low.M not writing them here but they put a doubt in my mind if i am a good friend.i feel i am unfair to some of friends who really care for me saying these lines but human tedency... can't help it..!!
You will always think of people for whom you you wanna care rather than who care for you. Don't know why but i keep going back to repeat history which put me in pain.But neways as the saying is
"Ki Farak Painda..!! "
Feel Good Factor is getting back and i am back to same old person which is available 24 x 7 but now not for everyone..!! The 24 x 7 quota has been eliminated for all people who are friends to me just for the help though it still hold for FRIENDS..
Friendship Day is round the corner so i will soon put the post about my friends and this time its going to be public.Some secrets finally getting revealed, some names would be heard for first times and some names would make some of the people in some kinda confusion.. ;)
Did i tell that my search for home ended.I have got a place to finally settle down in Gurgaon and i hope things go well and life also takes a smooth road for some time atleast.Thanks to all who helped me at all times possible.One person needs special mention and her name is Hina. Althoughwe haven't met in person yet , yet everytime we talk, i feel like still there are people who you would always want to be friends with.Pretty impressive writer, MBA , Quality Analyst. Everytime i talk to her, i learn since she is 400 percent times more experienced in industry. :p
Dont know what are contents of this post but whatever has come in my mind.. i just wrote here..!!
P.S- There is no one to whom this post is pointed. Its just what i felt sitting one day and thinking all about things happening around my life..!!
I guess i need some time for myself and i might take it out very soon ;)
Current Status of Life : Still Trying Hard to feel GOOD in Delhi..!!
Sukhdeep Singh
"Adversity causes some men to break, others to break rules."
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Status : Committed
I was congratulated, questioned, investigated too and what not..!! but nobody took an effort to really think the way i thought while changing it. :p... even if i would have been on other side, would not have taken pain to do that.. So no offences..!!
Everybody took commitment as me going with someone, dating, having a gf without getting this thing public, blah blah blah....
Declaration: I am not seeing anyone [These Days :p]
When the status changed from single to committed , I took it as small change in my life since 2008 has been year which has been quite an OK kinda year so far..and has made me think so many times to committ to some decisions in life and take some of them on a serious note.
So to clear this suspicion , thought of writing and sharing here.
Some of My Committments::
Committment towards my family - They are my source of inspiration, my guide and they are the ones which who are with me under all circumstances. Happy, Sorrow, Ups and downs they are the ones for whom Sukhdeep is and wiill always be the same .
Committment towards my work - After completing a year in the industry, i can visualise some of the real aspects of life and i have committed myself for a better delivery on my work . At current position , i wish i could add more value but current role restricts me from doing that. Anyways my committment towards my work saves me from going lazy towards delivery of work and i hope the committment leads me to better paths where i could feel satisfied on proffessional front as well.
Committment towards my Friends - This is little tricky committment here..coz this committment is not actually towards my friends but towards myself. Committment to be Honest to myself about my friendship with my friends. Every Friend has his/her own space in my heart and nobody replaces anyone there. So my committment to be honest with each one on being friends and not faking myself to anyone is one thing i wish i can carry to distance as long as possible.Doesn't means that other committments are not to be taken that far.. but i feel little extra effort is needed in this case :P
Committment towards my Religion- I am Proud to be Sikh and i am committed to it. I committ myself to be faithful towards my religion, abide by its values and keep its flags flying high ..!! The commitments are lot more and all can't be mentioned or written.
Still wondering why i missed committment on Relationship :P ???
For me, committment to relationship is same way as is for you but i donot have any answer to time when i will be committed, donot have any answer as to whom i will be committed to and really dont know if it happens before my marriage :P.
I don't know if someone really comes in my life but the matter of fact that Crush and Infatuation makes life little more cheerful and i don't know if by any chance any one out of those turns into relationship and committment.
But as of today : I am still 'SINGLE' :)
Yeah yeah i know i've made you happy for a second !! ;)
It was a long due post and finally being posted but the fact that i don't have access to blogger in office so i check it once a fortnight when i am back home. but now i think changing the settings would help me directly publishing my post by mailing to one email address. P
Please bear the Warning Message at end of every message now on !! :)
God Bless

Monday, June 30, 2008
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Q1) What do you miss most about childhood ?
A1) Loads..i think those were the golden days and would never be back again....those were the times when i demanded anything and everything and then forgot about it since it was not my pain to get that... so care free life... great brains that time... co curricular activities , every day praying on stage in school....lovely honest friendship wid mates...the list goes on..
Q2) What makes you glad that you're at this age.
A2) At this age, it feels good when you can think of something and then actually buy it. I always wished i had some things yet dint wanted to ask dad since i knew they are for my luxury and not my need... but now when i get chance , i can afford to get them. More than the age factor, the fact that i am engineering degree holder, gives me a stand in society and among peers where i can say that i am happy with current status of life.
Q3) What kind of people repel you?
A3) Many..yes many.. people who have show off, people who have attitude outta nothing... people who backstab... people who talk to get something out of you..people who are double faced...people who dont care for their parents... they all repel me...yes yes one more.. people who keep an eye on my orkut scrapbook :D he he
Q4) What is the biggest dilemma you have faced?
A4) Many a times, there is only one thing.. head asks for something and heart goes for something else.. so that puts me in fix more than anything else.
Q5) So what do you think of marriage now?
A5) Abhi karva do chahe ;) ..... on serious note , i feel marriage is complete upgrade on current version of bachelorship which one should only go for when he/she thinks they had complete understanding of new life, new relationships and completely be matured enough not only to take care of him/herself but be ready to take care of two families.
Q6) So would you prefer a live-in relationship to marriage?
Q7) What would you change about yourself?
A7) May be i am a too good a**.. need to start being Normal :p
Q8) What do you think of the Indian youth?
A8) Indian Youth is me, Indian youth is you.. so i think you and me are talking more and acting less and same implies to indian youth.. Baatein Zyaada Kaam Kam.
Q9) What about the man-woman divide?
A9) This is talk of politics and no comments on it. but one thing is sure in my views.. women have definite advantage in all areas whatever they may keep on saying.. or may be what i have experienced and seen.. there is no divide and adding to that, women have edge
Q10) So you think women are less empowered?
A10) My above answers this question as well.. so NO , women are not less empowered.
Q11) What would you never change about yourself?
A11) My Dream and My Vision. .
NO tags this time.. last time i think deranged insanity took it too seriously and laters she changed her name to dying i dnt want to spoil her :D bt anyone who feels like answering.. go ahead and just have small check up :)
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Headlines Post
..wanna write abt two three things so would put them as headlines to write in detail about each one of them seperately/together some time soon... and that soon i know would be somewhere round in next week since i know coming week.. i mite need an assistant to look into my things :p tooo busy tooooo busy... appointment dairy and a personal secretary.. ON CARDS as soon as i can start afforing both ;)
next week monday is normal workin day bt hell tired so would be lazy bum all thru the day..and yh packin stil continues... tuesday last proper workin day in bangalore..gonna meet all the mates f office...wednesday farewell times to bangalore desktop :( and people here.... wednesday nite to delhi and thursday mornin to amritsar.. followed by JAGO on thursday nite.. :) :) :) u can start imagining the Bhangra and Fun expected.. if m not stressed out of travelling... Friday and Saturday Marriage Times... and Sunday i think would surely be rest.. So... Yh.. a dairy is must must to keep my life on track :p
newayz....i want to share that yesterday was Saturday n Today is Sunday.. nothin new in that... but the fact this was last saturday and last sunday here in Bangalore before i move out.
1. Saturday > Startup City + Shopping :D
2. Sunday> Project Outing + Forum Visit.
Out f 48 hours, hv slept 10 hours of total sleep can make u little clear about my health.... no wonder i am all FIT :p.. or SLIM..
Current Status of My Life: Packings...Too Much Travelling.. Too Much Shopping.... Tooooooo Much Fun... Toooooooooo Much Memories taken along..very few times clicked in between :( .. ...Toooooooooo Excited for Vacations.
P.S - Disprin was taken to sleep yesterday.. n i think i need another one today as well.. but i will avoid it this time.. my doc says.. try to avoid allopathy..
So before it becomes a necassity.. need to sleep.... cheerz
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Marathon Run - Whatte Fun..!!
You never know what is in store in Life…and off late the events and moments have been much better than just few days before when I had almost lost all the hopes to enjoy life and just carry on the way it was… Sudden turns and I would say Waheguru Rocks… no clue on how he plays his games but simply love the way all happens..
I went to Sunfeast Marathon Run this Sunday and what a fantastic run in Bangalore, Magnificantly managed and organized International running event which made me happy on fact that I can also run 6 km .No doubt it was hard to finish the race since there was no practice prior to run and the fact that sleep was not adequate nite before the race and not proper breakfast taken before running.. I wonder how I was running on Sunday. We were 30 people who were running from our corporate side to support a cause. As mentioned in earlier post , that we were running for Bosco, a NGO which works with Street Children to teach them, counsel them and make sure they enjoy all the fundamental rights to live in India with pride. Run for a Cause was Majja Run, a fun event for running which had race length of 5.7 km and was scheduled at 9.45. As usual Sukhdeep Paaji reaches Stadium just in time at 8.45 to meet the fellow mates who were running. Perhaps I was the only sikh who was in turban at race, all others were in patka or parna but newayz Style hai to Smile hai ;)
So All set to run and 9.45 race kicked off.Sortching Heat and temperature close to 35 degrees.btw did I tell you the stadium was full of race enthusiasts who were running for themselves, who were running for cause and who were running just for fun. Newly married couples,young children,professionals,students,college peeps,young,old all were there in spirits of their own to show the world that Yes, they can run. Maybe I also wanted to prove myself that I can run this much distance and that too eventually cross the finish line without any break and losing in between.
Race did start at time and all started running. With full energy and completely fresh , I literally thought of running and running fast. I crossed nearly 500 runners within first few seconds and by end of first minute was in first 100-150 runners and continued to be in that league for another 5-6 minutes.Then with the time, the pace decreased and so did the distance covered w.r.t time being taken. I had my own stopwatch to note the time. Kept running in between slowing down and then gaining the pace again… dint have any idea on how much distance was covered and how much to come. Some came there for serious run and some were there just for fun. I started my race on serious note while ended it on fun note..
After every half km, there were groups of people cheering for all the runners and I felt that whenever I got the boost from them, the pace increased and steps became large to shorten the distance.Being a sikh here gives you unique identity and everytime i was crossing a group, all were literally doing bhangra and cheering me, I heard them saying "come’on Milkha Singh.." Run Run…." Oye Paaji Balle Balle…" and there were many others which kept on boosting the energy. In between water and glucose went on going inside to keep me running.
36:52:10 was the stopwatch showing the time when I crossed finish line.
Ending the race, I was second from my company group, gave me immense pleasure and made me all the more excited. As people kept on finishing the race, the environment around became all the more happening and amazing. Amazing arrangements were done with regard to refreshment and medical treatment facilities.
Around 11 , when all finally reached the finish line, we got together , and did my favourite pastime .. click and get clicked ;)
That was it.. A Run .. Run for myself, Run for my company and Run for a cause.
When you run for yourself, you have something to prove to yourself. When you run for company, you do because you like doing such activities and when you run for a cause , it gives you feeling of internal satisfaction when you know, each step you take, there is some money which adds up to the total amount which would be given for some cause. So I believe this was the time when I fulfilled all my runs.
and now when I know I can complete 6 km, may be next time full 10k marathon is on.
Current Status of Life: moving at pace, on last pages of one chapter which says the Life Goes On…….
Btw, I got The Three Mistakes of My Life by Chetan Bhagat today..
Cheerz fr nw… Keep Rocking..!!
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Ready for Run
Sunday 18th May its Sunfeast World 10k Marathon Run in Bangalore, an international event which is in eyes of every camera and with almost all international stars coming to participate in the race, it surely promises to be a great event.
Till yesterday , I also wanted to be part of the event but I wanted some company since I knew there the environment and enthu wud drive you automatically. Suddenly I have someone asking in my aisle to participate and instantly I sent my entry and adding to this celebration came an email to me and my friend from our company that they will be sponsoring first 30 entries and we both come under that sponsored registrations..
So adding cherry on this cake was the sponsorship which doubled the enthu and now the wait is on for Sunday. Although I will not be running full 10k race but being registered for the charity and part of corporate team, will be participating in Majja Run. Run which will be 5.7 Km and will be basically a fun race. Run, Walk, Dance in short have complete Majja.
We , at our company, are supporting Bosco which primarily takes care of Street Children by counseling them , and taking care of them. They have special care homes where they keep them and take complete care.
If you want to help in any way, contact me @ s4sukhdeep AT gmail DOT com . I dnt shy while asking for charity since its for children and Bosco being a registered and quite famous charity , i am assured that the money goes in right hands.
Being in India, you can directly transfer the money through netbanking or by sending cheques.
Being International, there are options to send money transfers ,Paypal and sending cheques.
Help a child in his education and he may become doctor or an engineer to serve you back and help grow the society.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Musical Post
1.Dheere Dheere [Shaurya] : Call me whatever but I am in love…. Ofcourse with this song. Believe me, you will also fall in love with it with the first play. And if you are committed , then its just perfect song for you to listen. If you are single, then this will inspire you to start thinking Why Single :P
2.Aasman ke Taare [Humsafar –KK] : I am big fan of KK and this song has been on my lips since its release. FM Radio here plays this every half an hour so m kinda addicted to it listening to it time and again. Lovely song, lovely lyrics and yh lovely singer J
3.Pehli Nazar Mein [ Race] : Atif Aslam is singer who will sing only selected songs in hindi movies but will make sure that each one becomes a super hit . Awesome Lyrics and Wonderful Music to set the tone right for your heart.
4.Yeh Ishq Hai [Jab We Met] : This movie can hear as much as appreciation as one would like to listen. I simply love this movie and same goes with song. Peppy , makes you feel the real spirit of life and makes you feel good about things happening around.
5.Aaoge Jab Tum Yaad [Jab We Met]: No matter how sad the song may sound , I will keep listening to this time and again. This song has feelings , has emotions and has perfect blend of good music , good lyrics and good singing. I avoid watching the video of this song since it reminds of some old moments which are still somewhere roaming in mah mind.
Other ones which just missed out :
Punjabi :
Sajda- Hans Raj Hans -You can not ask anything better than Hans Raj Hans singing such brilliant lyrics
Ki Kehneh – Jassy Sidhu and Malkit Singh [Punjabi Duet rocking in new album]
As usual and as always two songs must in my all playlists:
Boulevard of Broken Dreams [Green Day] and Quit Playing Games with My Heart [Backstreet Boys]
Just for fun, I am tagging two people on this post. Deranged Insanity and fadedglory . lets see whats on their playlists.. : )
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Maa Tujhe Salaam
This picture has two mothers and two sons. :) Taken a year ago in golden temple when i was leaving for bangalore.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Something Bloody Brilliant - Suleiman Mirza
The act is by Suleman Mirza & Madhu Singh on Britain's Got Talent aired on ITV on Saturday 26th April 2008, It was veiwed by a record breaking 15million ppl (including repeats).
Watch the video and rest for you to decide.
Miss it at your own risk
Friday, May 09, 2008
Friendship with God
Many a times when the phases of life are down and spirits are not high we start questioning GOD on why me? Do i deserve this. I always feel i am more complaining than one who's thankful to him for what ever he has given me in life.
Lets take a practical example: There is one teacher who is teaching us to get us all passed in our examination. We feel that some people are getting extra attention and some are being ignored even though the teacher is giving equal attention to all. Now if we are feeling that we have extra attention, no one will even think to question the situation but if we are on side where we feel being ignored, we will crib on why its happening and then until we share this feeling with teacher, teacher wil never be able to catch your mind set. BUT the condition to share is that you study and follow what teacher is teaching. So when teacher knows there is one student who is learning what i want to teach and feeling this way. then teacher also makes sure next time onwards that doesnt happens to you.
Now just take God as teacher and class as students. and getting feeling of ignorance is the time when we feel god is not with us and favouring some other people around us. Always Always Thank God for all the times he gives.Try asking one question to yourself "Is the current situation because of my own deeds only?" If the answer is YES , then be patient and go throguh the tough times and if the times are good, try to collect as many memories out of that as possible and try to cherish them in times you feel down. This surely helps.
One another thing to start feeling good about things around is to stop complaining. Try to be one who answers than the one who questions.
How to be Friends with God: You just need to have courage to ask for things from him and don’t just ask for things, need to get the feed of his name as well. If you are friends with him; inspire others and if not, try to be friends. Try to feel associated with him always. This would give the courage, would give you the strength and spirit to live and enjoy life.
was just a random thought that came so shared.. dnt mind :)
Two Classmates :) Elza and Alice
Two Incidents that I mentioned in last post ;)
Ok so the two girls I wanted to write about ; names wont be written but I would give them imaginary names, Elza and Alice.. nice names na.. I know :p
Ok so both have been classmates and Elza is in my company only but in different location.So its been a year now since we last met, our last meeting was our final exam viva which took place 14th may last year. So last week , I got a call from her and she wanted me to meet her one friend which had come to Bangalore for a long weekend break.When asked for a reason, got a harsh reply "Meet and get to know yourself." Actually she had sent something and wanted me to collect. So I called her friend , we knew each other already so not a problem in fixing a meet. Friday we met at Forum and what I am getting is a packed gift which states the following statement on the cover “Remember you are the 2nd Best , coz I am the best” . When I opened it, it was something that touched my heart. I really felt special at that time that there is someone who cares. At that time I was very much upset about some things but that day, I felt different and then thought to just think of that gesture of hers and avoid other things. I don’t think we have been in greatest terms when it comes to friendship but have been there with each other when the presence was required without asked for. That I feel made the bond different and stronger. Now this friend whu acted as middle man ,was here for Bangalore darshan so I asked her to come to Gurudwara Sahib and enjoy the langar on Sunday.[End of Ep-1]
Next came Sunday, and I went to gurudwara sahib, and after the samagam got over, During the langar [Free food served], who I see,along with this middle man friend, is Alice who was also my classmate and now in Infy here in Bangalore. I knew she was in Bangalore but never got to meet her. When I met her, there was excitement ; at the same time I wanted to avoid her,reason being she was my crush in my college times. But now as times change,i feel people change and personalities change. And I could sense that I also changed and so did she. Why why why.. when I met her, I felt happy and as the conversation went, I got to know that I was kinda interviewing and she was answering only. So after some time I also stopped and a sweet good bye with hope to catch ya soon wishez happened.
Anyways, over with this incidence and have more things to think and look on. So hardly have time to think..
Cheerz for now.. wil be back soon.. dont have much to write about these days on myself.. so i kinda avoid writing sometimes here..
Current Status of Life: Not Good Not Bad
Sunday, May 04, 2008
A Pause
Last few days have been quite eventful and i am surely gonna mention two incidents if not more. and both involve girls in it :P he he.. nothing very exciting or happening but both the events are memories for long long times to come. One life long :)
Current Status of life: Just Like YOURS :) :( wateva u take
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Bangalore BarCamp - Camp without a BAR

My plans of going to chennai were shattered by my teammates who were moving out of planned trip and at the end when only 3 people were left, we decided to call it off.. !! but i wanted to be do something on the weekend and suddenly this site flashes up and i find it pretty interesting concept and simple way to get into the camp was either by volunteering or taking a session.
Day 1:
10 AM- I reached the venue an hour late but luckily the camp also started half an hour late so i caught the intro session on what all things are planned for the day. The concept was pretty new so i went on to become a good listener and catch the idea as soon as possible and i was able to do that. Registered myself and went on to see the Time Table. Ok So the concept is very interesting,we have 4 rooms with projectors and audio systems and we have some 4 Dari's placed at different corners. The rooms were taken by the people who had demo's of their products , people who had power point presentations. Dari Sessions were more of more of discussion rather than presentations. Best part of camp was being a mix of Tech and Non-Tech discussions which balanced the hi-fi tech fundae with light-fun discussions. So i started my day by joining presentation by Ashish on Logo Designing. It was revision of all concepts i tried during my time at home. A pretty simple and straight guide to logo designing.Finishing it, i moved to Blogathon Discussion . which is organising Blog Marathon across India on various Issues which affect Indian People and had nice time listening to people on various issues and getting inspiration to be part of it. Blogger doesnt works in Office so i can just write it when i get time and not be part of Competition which is running this week.I then went to see demonstartion of LifeBlob Social Networking Site which lets you live your life w.r.t time-line. The Concept is very interesting and in very early phases so will take some time to catch up the fever and spread. Currently this site is invite only and I am on it now.. :D After having lunch, we then had much anticipated session on Lesser Known Aspects of KamaSutra- The Art of Love Making. :D it was a dari session. I was done with my lunch and had nothing to do so sat with shashi way before session started.By the time session started, 15 people were there and by the time it ended, crowd of 50 was there waiting for the session to continue following day. Shashi took almost 90 minutes to explain various interesting facts which were mentioned in the book.Except the art of making love which he said was not his area of talk, he told all of us things to take care to Patao the opposite gender and man.. the way he caught the attention,all of us were laughing every minute on somethin or the other. He took lot of time to tell the 64 arts one should possess to attract.:D.. no furthur explanations.. :D Following it, we all went to discussion on Dating and we had one hour of talking about dating.Meri Kahani, Teri Kahani, Sab ki yehi kahani.. thatz wat was gist of all the discussion. then we all went to feedback session in audi and we all left with hope of better next day.
Day 2
This was my first barcamp and i thoroughly enjoyed it and i look forward for many more to come.
For me Barcamp turned out to be the place where i could express myself ,learn about the latest technology trends, make myself aware of latest ventures in market and where i could present myself on any topic. :)
DID I MENTION I GOT TWITTERED. More on Twitter in coming days..lemme get hold of that site and use it properly.
Cheerz to all the planners and participants who made this event a success.
Current Status of Life: Cheerful, Happy and Smiling :)
300 Saal Guru De Naal - II
Finally i got it..I have 300 Saal Guru De Naal Ringtone which is in MP3 format and is simply great one to have.If you want it , just put your e-mail address in comments section, i will forward the same to you.If you have phone which supports MP3 format ringtones,dont miss it.
Earlier Posts:
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Losing Myself
I am really in very bad mood today, Reason my HR had some Stupid Reasoning for sending me back.and i wonder if my organisation will lose me just coz of her. The Justifications she is giving are purely BASE LESS and i had only one thing to say after i heard all that.. WHAT THE FCUK !!
As i steal these lines from Exalted Soul's Blog which are completely matching my current scenario
"These days when i just lie down to sleep, a million thoughts crisscross my mind at the speed of light, bombarding my mind. It’s very strange how the life you always wanted to live flushes down the toilet! I mean every thing is awry and entangled. Seriously I’m running out of room in my head. It’s like I’m looking for a safe place in a not so safe world!"
Btw i planned my vacations back home too and i hope this time they dnt get cancelled coz i can't take things anymore and need a break. There is still long time before that but i am just waiting for the next 40 days to pass.
Currently, I feel that much of my energy,passion,excitement is just getting wasted and i want a change.... Change for good..!! Amen.!
Current Status: Frustooooooo... :D
Monday, April 21, 2008
Philips Tubelight
Anyways, i have a new one now and i am happy now..
Current Status f Life: Had a great weekend @ BarCamp. I will surely write on it. Got Twitter'ed :D , IPL Fever ON completely, Rest allz well for a change ;)
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Time to Interview Myself
Speechless? No; Mute? Yes
Hurt? No; Ripped up? Yes
Trust worthy? No; Once was? Yes
Dumped? No; Left behind? Yes
Blind? No; Ignored? Yes
Heart less? No; Heartbroken? Yes
Alone? No; Lonely? Yes
In Love? No; Sure? Yes
For Sure Sure? No; So You Are? Yes ;)
This is a randomania of thoughts that came in Jas’s mind and to my surprise, I was writing something similar before going to her blog in different net of words but when I read it I just thought of directly copying it coz I know Jas won’t mind. Jas , would u? ;)
So here I go with answers to all the questions with my take ;) Before writing , lemme tell that I am currently not very much in my spirits so might be emotional on some things.. but no worries; wil be back in spirits, rocking and original Sukhdeep :D
Speechless? No [But not a Sukhdeep with non stop Bakwaas];
Mute? I Speak but its all to keep myself I m chatterbox but I can speak more than what I m mentioning here :D
Hurt? Yes; I feel people around me and some who are not currently part of mah life, have left me standing in middle of road which goes no where so lil bit hurt ;yes
Ripped up? Yes [Bhavanao ko samjho]
Trust worthy? Some say YES and some say NO so dunno ;
Once was? Some say YES but some say NO… so dunno again
Dumped? No [Egjactly] ;
Left behind? Yes [Completely without telling the reasons to move]
Blind? No; maybe that is the reason I am seeing things happening and getting disturbed
Ignored? Yes ; But now who cares ?
Heart less? No; Who feels I am heartless.. I have some people sharing some space, so if you feel that, may be you couldn’t make up some space there.
Heartbroken? Yes.. not really heart broken, but heart is injured …
Alone? No; I have got so many people around me but …read next line
Lonely? Yes ; But still I am lonely
In Love? No; maybe yes, coz what I feel love is, I haven’t felt that way with anyone but it might be if you consider what others think about it. So for me , its NO, you can have your opinion on it.
Sure? Yes.. Explained above
For Sure Sure? No; Now I am in doubt.. lol
So You Are? Yes ;) …..No No No… I am not .. ;)
I don’t know why but I felt relaxed after filling it up..and I am definitely back to smiling face after writing.Try doing this questionnaire with yourself and you might come up with smile @ end of your write-up .
Current Status of Life: Plans of Chennai over this weekend cancelled. So might attend Bangalore Bar Camp on 19th-20th @ IIM Bangalore and meet some like-minded and some unlike-minded people :D
Monday, April 14, 2008
When life takes U turn
1. When someone makes a distance without telling - This irritates me the most. I don’t mind u doing that but at least you can tell me once. It might be a misunderstanding or just difference of opinions on something but this doesn't mean that you stop talking and I lose fundamental right of asking you why you did that.
My Take: I am not perfect and don’t even try to be. I am what I am but I need some justified reason for you to be out of my life suddenly. If I share my thoughts with you and associate you with some part of my life ; who is responsible for the time you move away leaving me in illusion of friendship?
2. When someone has un-necessary Attitude: You have that? Keep it with you. Why are you showing huh? This really turns me off when people would have nothing in their pocket; at the same time would pretend to be so UFF UFF..!!
My Take: I don’t give a damn if you have unnecessary attitude. I carry my own ;)
3. Back-Stabbing - This is one thing I never expect from my Friends coz when it happens; it’s very hurting. How easy is it for someone to fake the friendship and make most out of it? Sick!
My Take: God Bless You :D
4. When someone forces his/her Ideology- There are people who want everyone to think the way they think. They try to be authoritative even though they aren't. It’s my life dude, it’s my wish, if I feel it’s the right way to go, I might follow it but I have the discretion to move the opposite way as well. So let me decide what I want.
My Take: Be Diplomatic. I know it’s dangerous sometimes but I am very diplomatic person, so I go this way only. Sometimes it makes me happy and sometimes it doesn’t works. Newayz it’s ok......
5. The way Girls Think: He he.. I know it might seem funny... but I sometime seriously wonder, why girls don't act intelligently.99 percent of my frenz whu are galz would think EGJACTLY the same. They would always try to act silly on most important steps in life and when you tell them; you commit the biggest mistake; how dare you tell them that they have taken a wrong step in their life. Damn..!! Think little intelligently, nobody is telling you the right way; we just tell what we think is right and after few days/weeks/months, you also start feeling the same. :)
My Take: For Girls; You are never wrong and I am always wrong :)
For Guys: Suno Sab Ki ; Karo Man Ki :)
6. Whoever I like, disappears after some days - This is most wonderful and very amazing situation in my life when I ask him WHY :P . Anyone who I feel nice about, she disappears in few days...I mean , just moves somewhere else. !! No Questions on whom I am talking about. ;)
My Take: Now, I have stopped liking anyone till I want them to disappear. he he :D
While last one was on lighter side, the top 5 reasons seriously put me in very different frame of mind and I feel low sometimes on why these things happen to me. I thought of not putting my takes on all the situations but then edited the post to share it.
Current Status of Life: Its Baisakhi today and I am missing these things today:-
- Being in Amritsar [its festive time there]
- Jagriti Yatra [300 Saal Guru De Naal Yatra that has come there today]
- Sacred Bath at Golden Temple which I use to take every year in Golden Temple
Back home,Its holiday in Punjab but I am in office .I have finished my work early so have nothing to do but little research and development.Health is not fine but I nothing to do at home as well.. so sick leave avoided.
Over and Out.
Friday, April 11, 2008
“Mom Save Me“
The numbers in Census are shocking and are expected to give a bigger shock with next census in 3 years time. and one state where the numbers are really awful is Punjab; the land which proclaims to feed the whole India but it could not understand the harshness it is pushing the humanity into.
The land of Guru Nanak who said “ So Kyo Manda Aakhiye, Jit Jamhe Raajan ” [Why to say bad to someone who gives birth to Kings and not only kings but the whole human race] , that land is top in this crime. If you say about illiteracy as its reason, I would agree to certain extent but then again, not whole of India is illiterate.
Today despite everyone aware of the fact that Girls are no less than boys, Emotionally more attached to parents, more responsible in Society and by no means less competent than BOY Population;Still People wish to have a Boy. The probability of going for tests and abortion increases in case of second and third child and its pathetic. I don’t know when the scene gonna change and we get this vision of One India without any gender biasing true.
Today, we have Sonia Gandhi, Indra Nooyi, Sunita Williams, Late Kalpana Chawla, Mother Teresa and all are woman and everyone is proud of them and why shouldn’t one be. They have excelled and made a mark of their own in world. I don’t wish to go global on this, but I feel , we need to uproot this evil from our home, only then we have any right to say anything about it to world. When our own home is dirty, how right it is to ask others to clean theirs. The problem is far more serious than the steps being taken by government. Everyone is well aware of judgement and justice of Indian Law, by the time the cases are solved; many people have left this world.
One should be happy with the child and then should think whether it’s a girl or a boy. How wonderful a mom feels when she knows that there is a new being she is delivering. When the decision to get it checked comes, at that very moment, we should stop ourselves and question if the same would have been done, when my mother was getting born or my sister was in my mom’s stomach.
I really feel ashamed looking at the world around where respect for one gender is significantly more than the other. I wish that the steps being taken by Health Ministry to erase this crime from India speeds up and harsh steps are taken towards people who support it.
Now back to point why I wrote it ;) this week we had this Clay Modeling competition in our company and we all were given some clay to make anything we wished to in team of 4. Ours was a very simple yet giving a message kinda entry but I loved it.No points for guessing our theme.Some of creative minds dint submitted their entries but used their hands and ideas on their workstations.Check few of below.
Our Entry :)