Thursday, February 04, 2010

Is Life Easy?

Life is definitely not as easy as it looks. Yes. Looking at myself, I think being an under 24, working in a global mnc as an erp consultant, a decent (yes yes I know it can't be called a decent but whatever it is..a good amount) pay package and all the comforts (good clothes to wear, good food to eat, good shelter to sleep. without 'good' they are necessities),what more I can ask for. But something still is missing. I am quiet these days. And there is something in my silence which is Shouting. Screaming. Crying to say the least and it is irritating me. I don't expect anyone to come up and ask me what happened because I can't explain what is happening. but if you know me, you will know what my silence is saying.
To sum it one of classic facebook group name goes.. Mind Says = All is Well. Heart Says = Ghanta all is well!!
P.S There was this negativity in my thoughts (a lot of it) which had to come out. Better it came out through this post than on someone.. If you read my blog ,you can easily ignore this one. was complete non-sense. no-ways-related to anything else in this world but me. my next post will certainly be good. A positive and nice one. All is well.


Writers Anonymous said...

Hmm...all is well..that's a nice way to look at life. You said your post is about negativity but it definitely ended on a positive note...that's the victory of optimism over pessimisim. So keep going...

Prabhjotk said...

I wish you come out of it soon... Just like many wud have said.. Its just a phase...

Keep smiling.. :D

Faded Glory said...

Isme kuch positive hi hai :) Some gaddhas's dont even know they are one or are into one. lol

Manpreet Bedi said...

wyah karwalo bhaji. :P